
Can You Be Your Own Best Friend?

How can I befriend my body? What if the answer really lies in the question: What do you look for in a best friend? Maybe it’s kindness, compassion, being there for you, or listening when you need help. Possibly it is feeling Love and positive feedback. Now try asking yourself:...

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Unconditional & Tough Love

In this life, Unconditional Love is such a very difficult feeling and emotion to grasp. Could this be because we have so many judgements and high expectations of ourselves and others? Does this attitude block us from Unconditional Love of self and another? When we wish another or ourselves to...

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15 Ascension Symptoms & Heart Activations

Difficult Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On The Right Path… 1. Feeling sometimes as though you are reliving your childhood struggles over again. You find that you’re seeing and feeling issues you struggled with from your past reappear. A feeling like you have flunked spirituality 101. But what is really...

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Mirror Relationships

Mirror Relationships

In all my years I never quite realized or understood how my friends, partners or even family members were providing me an insight to how mirror relationships were showing me unloved parts of myself. I never knew these shadow parts were looking for my loving attention and healing. I woke...

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